Tuesday, September 30, 2014

General updates...

Remember in January when I said I'd be blogging a lot more this year?


About that.

Anyway, this year has been kind of a bust for a lot of things, mostly because I've been facedown in deadlines since like 1922, went through an awesome period of massive burnout, and also did a bunch of traveling. It's been a chaotic year!

And it's going to stay chaotic for a little while, so updates will likely continue to be sparse until we're finished moving. So, I figured I'd do another general updates blog, and I'll try my level best to actually have some interesting posts over the next few months. Just...bear with me until February or so.

So let's start with the move... I'm moving to Spain! While this is, of course, incredibly exciting (especially since it means getting out of Nebraskastan), it's also a challenging process. Fortunately, my husband and I have this down to a science, and we're already making headway with staging household goods to be either moved to Spain or sent to storage. Or thrown away. It's amazing how much useless clutter two people can accumulate in twelve years.

The plan right now is for me to drive to Seattle in early November with our cats. Meanwhile, Eddie will get the house squared away, and then he'll join me in December. Then he'll continue on to Spain in mid-January, and I'll follow at the end of January. Trust me, it makes sense. (Also, if anyone happens to know anything about obtaining work visas for American citizens employed by other American citizens while living in Spain, please let me know...)

During this lengthy period of migration, I will still be working... especially when Aleksandr Voinov comes to visit!  Yes, you read that right. Aleks will be flying to Seattle, and we'll be doing some touristy stuff in between writing. Also, if you're in the Seattle area, keep an eye on this page for information about an event on December 5th!

Speaking of writing with Aleks, there's the small matter of the contest for Rolex's name. Because the universe apparently has a mean sense of humor, real-life has, to say the least, interfered with our ability to co-write. As such, Rolex and his still-not-yet-determined name had to park on the back burner for a little while. But rest assured, he will have a name! And he will have a story!

Aleks and I have a number of projects in the works right now, and we're hoping to make solid headway on a few of them while he's in town. Our second World War II book has been on hold for over a year, and we're both chomping at the bit to wrap that one up. There are a few Market Garden books that have been demanding attention. And we've got at least one book that desperately needs a sequel. Which reminds me, I need to get in touch with the state penitentiary and book a tour...

Moving on.

As my workload winds down after the last chaotic year or so, I can finally work with my other oft-neglected co-authors. Cat Grant and I are in the homestretch on a new book called Hardcore Ink. Marie Sexton and I are plotting a sequel to Roped In (hang tight, Jackson fans! His story is in the works!). I have two other books in-progress with other authors, and another person I plan to start working with soon, but I'll announce names/titles once we're further into the books.

Let's see, what else...

Upcoming releases!

August and September were relatively quiet, but...

(All are L.A. Witt titles unless otherwise noted)

And there's plenty more to come in 2015!

Also, Starstruck is the first in the new multi-author series, Bluewater Bay. If you enjoyed Tucker Springs, this series is going to be right up your alley. Check out the Bluewater Bay page for more info, including links to the other titles available for pre-order! (Lone Wolf is also part of this series, and should be up for pre-order soon!)

Which brings us into 2015...

In mid-2015, two new pen names will be debuting. Lori A. Witt will be writing more mainstream science fiction and fantasy, with the first release, Tide of War, due out in June, followed by the Mythos series (dates to be announced). I'll also be writing as Ann Gallagher. Ann's books will be sweeter romances, including an inspirational romance, Lead Me Not, due out in August.

That pretty much wraps it up. I'm hard at work on several things right now, and there's some cool stuff in the offing for the first half of 2015, but I'll announce those once a few more ducks are in a few more rows. 

Also, since I will be living overseas for the next few years, my US conventions will be a little limited. I plan to attend RT and hopefully GRL, but don't have plans for other cons at this time. I will, however, be at the UK Meet in Bristol. 

And now, back to sorting through my library to determine which books come to Spain with me and which go to storage. I swear it's like choosing between kittens...

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