Before I get to them, I'm giving away six Audible codes - details at the end of the post! And please feel free to comment with questions/comments for the narrators even if you aren't entering the giveaway!
With that out of the way, let the interview begin. Joining me on the blog are Greg Tremblay, Nick J. Russo, and Michael Ferraiuolo (their websites/contact info/bios are after the interview).
Born in one far-flung corner of the US, near Portland (no, not that one, the other Portland. Maine) Greg Tremblay brings a passion for storytelling to every aspect of his life. Trained in stage and vocal performance, Greg is the award-winning narrator of over 200 audiobooks in diverse genres, from narrative nonfiction to erotic romance.

And now.... the interview!
1. First things first… What
is your name? What is your quest? What is your favorite color?
Greg: Sir Lancelot of
Camelot! (Greg Tremblay and Greg
I seek the Holy Grail! (I narrate all sort of books, largely romance, scifi, YA, and narrative nonfiction)
Blue! (actually it IS blue) [L.A. I swear I hadn't read that yet when I decided to make Greg's answers blue.]
Nick: Hello! My name is Nick J. Russo and I’m an audiobook narrator, producer, and sound engineer. I primarily narrate romance, but I’ve done almost every genre imaginable at this point. My quest is to tantalize, titillate, and engage my listeners with my performances. And my favorite color is red. NO, BLUE! AHHHHHH!!! But seriously, it’s blue.
Michael: My name is Michael Ferraiuolo and I narrate everything from biographies to romance novels. I can’t say I truly have a favorite color but my home has lots of gray in it…make of that what you will.
I seek the Holy Grail! (I narrate all sort of books, largely romance, scifi, YA, and narrative nonfiction)
Blue! (actually it IS blue) [L.A. I swear I hadn't read that yet when I decided to make Greg's answers blue.]
Nick: Hello! My name is Nick J. Russo and I’m an audiobook narrator, producer, and sound engineer. I primarily narrate romance, but I’ve done almost every genre imaginable at this point. My quest is to tantalize, titillate, and engage my listeners with my performances. And my favorite color is red. NO, BLUE! AHHHHHH!!! But seriously, it’s blue.
Michael: My name is Michael Ferraiuolo and I narrate everything from biographies to romance novels. I can’t say I truly have a favorite color but my home has lots of gray in it…make of that what you will.
2. Are there parts of audiobook production that make you
think “wow, I can’t believe I get paid to do this”? What about parts that
remind you it really is a job?
Greg: The simple fact that I get
to tell stories for a living is absolutely mind blowing to me. I love that I
get to go to work each day and read a book to people.
When I get the corrections
back from the proofers, and when I am going over taxes… those are times that
remind me it’s a job, and I am imperfect.
Nick: Most of my job I
feel that way - it is an absolute pleasure to bring works of fiction to life
with tone, emotion, and pacing. Even the parts that sometimes feel tedious,
(mostly the backend work of editing, cleaning out loud “sss” sounds, pops,
tongue and lip smacks, etc), are more engaging than any job I’ve had before
this. And obviously, going to “work” (the next room over from my bedroom) often
times in my pajamas is just, the best.
Michael: During every project there is at least one moment where I have to narrate a particularly funny and/or filthy line and I’ll have to stop and remind myself that there is indeed a paycheck involved in the process. Deadlines are always a sobering reminder that work is work.
Michael: During every project there is at least one moment where I have to narrate a particularly funny and/or filthy line and I’ll have to stop and remind myself that there is indeed a paycheck involved in the process. Deadlines are always a sobering reminder that work is work.
3. If you had to pick one
thing (besides my books) to narrate over and over forever (a specific genre,
trope, style, etc), what would it be and why?
Greg: I… wow. I’m going to be honest, that sounds like hell to me. My absolute favorite genre is “one I’ve not done recently.” When I’ve been doing a lot of romance, I start wishing someone would blow something up in a spaceship. Then when I’ve done a bunch of those, I start thinking about a quirky nonfic… and then I start wishing someone would kiss… etc.
Nick: Tough question! I
think part of the fun of being a narrator is getting to dive into a new project
every week - new characters, new setting, new struggles, new everything! I go
from steampunk Batman one week to sailors struggling with PTSD the next,
followed up by Omega werewolves sorting out the struggles of pregnancy! To pin
down a particular thing to narrate over and over again, besides broadly
speaking romance, would be a bit of a challenge for me. So I’ll just say Lori’s
books and be done with it. Next question! :P
Michael: I’m a complete sucker for Fantasy. I’d be happy telling stories about dragons and wizards for the rest of my days.
Michael: I’m a complete sucker for Fantasy. I’d be happy telling stories about dragons and wizards for the rest of my days.
4. Are there any accents,
voices, etc., you wish you had more opportunities to narrate? Or something
you’ve never had the opportunity to narrate, but would like to? Any
accents/voices that are particularly difficult to perform or taxing on your
Greg: I get a lot of
opportunities for voices, which is great… I’d like to have a chance to develop
a quirky animation character voice and work in it for a bit. I think that would really be a blast.
I think the hardest accent work I do is when I
wind up doing two similar but distinct accents in a given book. Plantations South and Texan, Irish and Scottish,
Australian and South African… things that have a lot of markers that are
similar, but are distinct. I’ve run into
moments where I’m mid narration and open my mouth and the wrong accent comes
out and then I have to stop and mentally reset.
Nick: It’s always a pleasure to voice something fun
or over the top - some of my favorites are southern drawls, evil villains, and
the flamboyant. For some reason every single word narrated in those types of
voices are like the equivalent of biting into a really juicy apple - so
Certainly when a voice calls for gruffness or a thick accent, it can become taxing after a couple hours and requires more breaks. I can only be a big burly German man for so long!
I have voiced so many different characters of just about every imaginable background, ethnicity, and personality, that it’s hard to think of one I’ve missed out on in this moment. Perhaps more aliens in sci-fi? The ones I’ve voiced have been a lot of fun because I intentionally parced them to sound “off”.
Certainly when a voice calls for gruffness or a thick accent, it can become taxing after a couple hours and requires more breaks. I can only be a big burly German man for so long!
I have voiced so many different characters of just about every imaginable background, ethnicity, and personality, that it’s hard to think of one I’ve missed out on in this moment. Perhaps more aliens in sci-fi? The ones I’ve voiced have been a lot of fun because I intentionally parced them to sound “off”.
Michael: I would love to narrate more “High Fantasy” stories. That would be fun to dig into. I would also love to work with a “Cosmic Horror” story…something Lovecraftian. As for accents… Welsh is always right on the tip of my tongue but never quite right.
5. How do you decide
voices/accents for secondary characters who aren’t given much description? How
do you keep them consistent, especially those who disappear for hundreds of
pages or who pop up sporadically throughout a larger series?
Greg: If there are ANY tells in
the text, I will go with that… but if I’m truly on my own, it will often be
about what calls to me. Frequently I
will choose to put some subtle social activism in it. Doctor’s gender not
specified? Probably will end up female.
Hunky male soldier’s ethnicity not noted?
Probably going to end up sounding Asian, one of those groups that
“aren’t masculine” in a society view. I
tend to decide during prep, or at least have a sense where I’m going with it.
To maintain during a book isn’t bad, because I
record them pretty fast. If it’s going
to be a series, I will keep a folder of voice samples so I can come back to
that. If I didn’t know, or missed a character, I will go back to my past
productions to find the character.
Nick: It depends on how
often they appear, primarily. The more scenes they appear in, the more
consideration I’ll give their voices. For example, I won’t spend much time on
‘random waiter who has a single line of dialogue never to be heard from again’,
but a family member related to one of the protagonists who shows up a handful
of times will get a similar treatment as the protagonist themselves. As far as
consistency goes, with any character that appears in more than one scene, we’ll
record a single line of dialogue in their voice prior to production to refer
back to at any time. This ensures consistency throughout, especially with
projects within a series.
Michael: Incidental characters are always fun because if I know they only appear once I can either make them really stand out with a character voice or completely fade into the background if I’m running short of unique sounds. It also depends on their dialogue and what the scene calls for. I keep a file full of short mp3s of each character’s voice to call back to if it’s been a few dozen chapters since they’ve appeared.
Michael: Incidental characters are always fun because if I know they only appear once I can either make them really stand out with a character voice or completely fade into the background if I’m running short of unique sounds. It also depends on their dialogue and what the scene calls for. I keep a file full of short mp3s of each character’s voice to call back to if it’s been a few dozen chapters since they’ve appeared.
6. Tell us about a character
who was exceptionally challenging for you to narrate, and one you really
enjoyed narrating. (They can be the same character)
Greg: In Neal Shusterman’s ‘Arc
of a Scythe’ series, one of the characters is the AI that governs all the world,
the Thunderhead. I knew I wanted to voice it without any audible breaths if at
all possible. That was easy for a sentence here or there, but in book 2 it had
a couple of short chapters that were just it. That took a lot of work. Sticking by your decisions sometimes makes
you wish you’d made different ones. 😉
… I Wonder how many
characters I’ve voiced now? I wouldn’t even know how to count.
Nick: How do I channel a
vampire who’s experiencing being high for the first time? That one was tough
but widely enjoyable at the same time, because I had to find the line between
pacing the cadence of my lines at a comfortable speed and tone for the
listener, while at the same time pushing it as far as I could to sounding
stoned off my ass. [L.A.: for the record, y'all, he nailed it.]
Michael: It’s always a particularly challenging time finding the voices for fantastical creatures like dragons, demons, ghosts, etc. Capturing the weight and presence of those kinds of characters is both a challenge and a pleasure. You strive not to go over the top but you’re allowed a certain amount of leeway. It’s difficult to choose one in particular but I can say villains are always my favorite…they get the best lines.
Michael: It’s always a particularly challenging time finding the voices for fantastical creatures like dragons, demons, ghosts, etc. Capturing the weight and presence of those kinds of characters is both a challenge and a pleasure. You strive not to go over the top but you’re allowed a certain amount of leeway. It’s difficult to choose one in particular but I can say villains are always my favorite…they get the best lines.
7. How emotional do you get
during, well, emotional scenes? Do you ever start laughing during a humorous
scene and have to collect yourself before you continue?
Greg: I cry regularly on a given
week… it’s honestly one of the things I love about the job. I love being moved
that much by what I do.
Nick: All the time!
Generally speaking, whatever emotions the characters I’ve narrating are feeling
in the moment, I’m doing my best to channel as well. If a character is upset
and tearing up, it’s safe to assume I’m doing the same when delivering the
dialogue. If a character is particularly happy and expressing their joy, I’m
right there with them with a smile on my face.
There definitely have been moments when a scene gets too silly or too heavy where I’ll have to take a moment to collect myself. Because the normal non-character narration can’t be close to tears. I’m not crying you’re crying.
There definitely have been moments when a scene gets too silly or too heavy where I’ll have to take a moment to collect myself. Because the normal non-character narration can’t be close to tears. I’m not crying you’re crying.
Michael: I have on many occasions had to edit out my actual sniffles from tearing up during an emotional scene. As for laughter…I’ve had to collect myself more from laughing at my own mispronunciations and mixups. I’ve been cobbling together a blooper reel for a while now… maybe I’ll release it one of these days. [L.A.: OMG yes please do.]
8. What kind of training,
schooling, professional experience, soul-selling, etc., helped you learn to
narrate? At the time, did you think it would be useful for narrating
audiobooks, or was that more of a happy accident?
Greg: I studied acting (and compsci) in college, and in the intervening years before becoming a narrator I’ve done a crapload of weird stuff. Like teach SCUBA diving, and be a paramedic, and shoe horses and work on tour boats and raise sheep. I think all of it helps, tho it doesn’t seem obvious at the time that it would. I definitely look back on skills that I picked up during lots of my various wanders and go “ohhh, that’s seriously useful” … but as to how I got here, it was all luck and misadventure.
Greg: I studied acting (and compsci) in college, and in the intervening years before becoming a narrator I’ve done a crapload of weird stuff. Like teach SCUBA diving, and be a paramedic, and shoe horses and work on tour boats and raise sheep. I think all of it helps, tho it doesn’t seem obvious at the time that it would. I definitely look back on skills that I picked up during lots of my various wanders and go “ohhh, that’s seriously useful” … but as to how I got here, it was all luck and misadventure.
Nick: I’ve always been
interested in the performing arts growing up. While I spent more time in the
music wing than the theater wing in school, I always jumped at the chance
whenever I could to be a part of any given production. In more recent years,
I’m very fond of tabletop RPG’s, where one creates a character and spends a few
hours a week embodying someone else. Or as the game master of said RPG’s, I get
the chance to play multiple characters in any given session and give them
different voices, tone, accents, etc. Never did I imagine that those social
occasions would provide experience for voicing the characters I narrate now, so
it’d be apt to call it a “happy accident”.
Michael: I never would have thought at the time that my training as a professional musician would have prepared me to narrate audiobooks but there were so many skills that carried over naturally. I would say that my career narrating audiobooks has been the happiest “accident” of my life.
Michael: I never would have thought at the time that my training as a professional musician would have prepared me to narrate audiobooks but there were so many skills that carried over naturally. I would say that my career narrating audiobooks has been the happiest “accident” of my life.
9. How did you get started
narrating LGBT romance? What was the most surprising thing about the genre?
Greg: One of my first books was
“Dirty Kiss” by Rhys Ford, which I discovered was classified as an LGBT
romance, but when reading it I went ‘… this… this is a PI Noir mystery… I mean,
there’s some romance in it, and some sex… but…’
Which is when I discovered
2 things I found surprising about the genre.
One, and I know this is common for people who stumble into the genre… I
was surprised that so much of the male/male fiction was written by and read by
heterosexual women. Two, I was surprised
that the genre was essentially a publishing-created dumping ground for any
story that even tangentially involved two people in any form of non-heteronormative
For the record, that is
SUCH bullshit.
“So your book is about the
disinherited daughter of a space-shipping magnate, who finds herself exiled to
the far ends of the galaxy, turns pirate, and then discovers that a race of
creatures from another nearby dimension are attempting to set the races of the
galaxy against each other, stops an interstellar war, and in the process saves
the princess of one of the core planets whom she ultimately marries?
…. Oh, that’s lesbian
Nick: LGBT romance was where
I got started in narration. My first several titles were in that genre, and
while I do narrate other genres, MM romance is my primary focus. I think the
most surprising thing about it that I’ve discovered since starting is how much
of a wide variety there is to it - the romance genre is often times paired with
suspense, action, adventure, sci-fi, comedy, thrillers, and it’s fantastic!
Michael: I was approached by a publisher to narrate an LGBT romance. I didn’t know much about the genre at the time, but my feeling was that “love is love and that’s good enough for me”. I can’t say that I was particularly surprised by the genre. In my opinion, there are more similarities than differences between an LGBT romance story and a heterosexual romance story. The troubles two people go through while trying to express their love and navigate their relationship are largely universal…and to me, that’s a very encouraging thought.
Michael: I was approached by a publisher to narrate an LGBT romance. I didn’t know much about the genre at the time, but my feeling was that “love is love and that’s good enough for me”. I can’t say that I was particularly surprised by the genre. In my opinion, there are more similarities than differences between an LGBT romance story and a heterosexual romance story. The troubles two people go through while trying to express their love and navigate their relationship are largely universal…and to me, that’s a very encouraging thought.
10. Do people in your social
or professional circles know what you narrate? How do they react, and how do
you respond to negative reactions if you get them?
Greg: Haha, yes. I’m pretty frank about what I do, and while there is the occasional obnoxious response (like my Aunt greeting me once with ‘hey, it’s the porn reader!’) or some sidling away by the occasional ultra-religious colleague… it’s been fine. I try to ignore the subtle negative reactions… if I’m ever faced with an aggressive one, I hope I will be able to be mature and still defend the important legitimate place for all kinds of fiction, especially by and about people who deserve to have the same freedom to exist as anyone else.
Greg: Haha, yes. I’m pretty frank about what I do, and while there is the occasional obnoxious response (like my Aunt greeting me once with ‘hey, it’s the porn reader!’) or some sidling away by the occasional ultra-religious colleague… it’s been fine. I try to ignore the subtle negative reactions… if I’m ever faced with an aggressive one, I hope I will be able to be mature and still defend the important legitimate place for all kinds of fiction, especially by and about people who deserve to have the same freedom to exist as anyone else.
Nick: All my family and
friends know what I narrate and everyone is comfortable with it, albeit some
occasional teasing. The negative reactions I’ve heard are people who call what
I narrate “porn” or “smut”. It kind of befuddles me since I rarely hear M/F
romance referred to in the same way, but such is life I guess. My reaction to
it is typically to treat it as naivete and to educate, as I don’t think the
people in my life who refer to it as such mean any harm from it.
But more often than not, the reaction is overwhelmingly positive. Especially from my mom. XD
But more often than not, the reaction is overwhelmingly positive. Especially from my mom. XD
Michael: Most people who know me well know that I narrate romance novels as well as non-romance novels. I have never personally experienced a negative reaction from anyone.
11. What do you like to do
when you’re not chained in my basement---err, not narrating?
Greg: I have a number of hobbies,
tho family does take a chunk of my time. I like cooking, photography, dancing
and I’m intermittently involved in the SCA (which is a creative historical
re-creation and recreation group)
I’m also an avid sailor, and am eagerly awaiting
the last of the snow to melt so I can get my boat “Spirit” back in the water.
Nick: I do many things
when I see the light outside Lori’s basement. I love to check out new places
with my wife, (we, uh, love food and food accessories). I’m a big gamer,
whether it’s tabletop, console, or board games. I’m a sucker for cinema,
whether it’s a tentpole summer blockbuster or an indie character study drama.
My wife and I are also looking forward to spending a lot of time traveling in
the not too distant future. We loved traveling to the west coast for our
elopement and look forward to seeing more!
Michael: Believe it or not, I read in my spare time. The genres I don’t get to narrate often, I indulge in reading for pleasure. Aside from that I compose music for various mediums…including audiobooks!
Michael: Believe it or not, I read in my spare time. The genres I don’t get to narrate often, I indulge in reading for pleasure. Aside from that I compose music for various mediums…including audiobooks!
12. Tell us about the kind of
communication you have (and prefer) with your authors. Do most of your
audiobooks happen because of auditions, or because authors/publishers approach
you directly? Do you prefer when authors err on the side of giving you too many
pre-production notes or too few?
Greg: I will preface this by
saying that I cannot assure all authors that all narrators will react the same
way that I do. Just as Authors can be an
easily intimidated lot, narrators (being actors) can be a neurotic lot.
I encourage authors to ask
questions at any time, and always to feel free to approach me. I will be
completely transparent about whether I’ve got time to tackle a project, and if
I feel that it’s a good fit for me. Also, I know my prices aren’t in everyone’s
budget, so I’ll be super clear about that as well.
I like to know things
about your book, and you are always welcome to give me any information you
have… tho some of it may not be that useful to me, and I may just skim past
that bit. (A lot of times it’s useful for authors to know things like a
character’s childhood pet, favorite food, eye color… but they don’t do a huge
amount for me in creating a voice generally speaking. Feel free to share, I may just not use that
bit) I ESPECIALLY like notes about
characters if you know they are going somewhere. You introduced that Cop for a paragraph in
chapter 23, and we only know her name is Maria… but she’s going to be the main
character of book 3, and her last name is O’Malley, and she’s from a Boston
Irish family, and has a touch of a Brogue? It’s REALLY good to know that before
I arbitrarily make her sound Hispanic.
We need to have the
communications that are required so that we both feel trust that the project is
going to be handled professionally. Authors need to know that the narrator is
budgeting time, will deliver on a deadline (or communicate promptly if anything
shifts), will take the work seriously and respect the effort involved, and will
behave professionally during, and after the production as well. Narrators need
to know that the author will be available for communication and questions, will
accept the hand-over of artistic control that comes with letting someone read
your work, will treat the narrator as a partner in the process, and will be
able to meet financial obligations.
Two things I will say as
general advice for authors:
1) Be sure that the editing you are paying for includes good
copyediting. I think the primary
weakness I see in the indie and micropub world is that the editing process has
not done the final pass and checked basic copyediting. Grammar errors, missing
words, consistency issues, and misuse of words both make your work read as less
professional, and make it harder to narrate because those moments break the
flow. We have to stop and decide how to handle that mistake.
2) Trust that you’ve written what you want read. Especially new
authors to audio are concerned that they need to line-direct the process and
explain to the narrator what they think the character should sound like. It
probably WON’T sound just like it did in your head, and that is not only ok,
it’s a good thing. You’ve written the stage direction into your book, you’ve
written the characters. If you’ve also given us notes on characters, so much
the better. Just as readers will hear it their own way, so narrators will say
it theirs. It’s a collaboration, and it’s a beautiful thing.
I am generally approached
for work these days, sometimes asked to audition out of a short list pool of
Nick: I prefer as much
communication as possible! In the end, I’m just bringing your work to life, and
I want it to be as close to your vision as possible. The more notes you have,
the more I can mold my performance around them. Though, if you are a hands off
type of person, that completely works too. Ultimately, whatever will make you
the most satisfied with the product I deliver!
Michael: I love working directly with authors. Early in my career, I was hired based solely on my auditions. After a while, publishers and authors began to approach me directly…which I am always grateful for! Pre-production notes from authors on specific accents and character background are always the most appreciated. I always endeavor to truly collaborate with authors so that I can bring their stories to life the way they’ve always envisioned…and maybe give them a surprise or two.
Michael: I love working directly with authors. Early in my career, I was hired based solely on my auditions. After a while, publishers and authors began to approach me directly…which I am always grateful for! Pre-production notes from authors on specific accents and character background are always the most appreciated. I always endeavor to truly collaborate with authors so that I can bring their stories to life the way they’ve always envisioned…and maybe give them a surprise or two.
[L.A.: I have worked directly with all three narrators on multiple projects and have met them all in person, and can 100% vouch for how approachable and easy to work with they are. If you are interested in working with any of them, I highly recommend getting in touch, which brings us to...]
13. If an author wants to
contact you about narrating a book, what is the best way to reach you?
Greg: Surest fire way to reach me
is by email to greg (at), tho you are always welcome to hit
my website at or catch me on facebook or twitter
Nick: Feel free to contact me on any social media
platform [Dark Night Sound on Facebook and Twitter], or gmail at nickjrussovoice (at) gmail (dot) com, but you’ll have to fight L.A
Witt to help me escape her basement first. [L.A.: Hey. Everyone loves a good boss fight.]
Thanks for joining us, guys! Back to the basement!
Giveaway Details:
- Three commenters will each win Audible codes for two (2) of my audiobooks.
- To enter, leave a comment with the title of your choice (any two audiobooks off my backlist) and a good email address (to avoid spam, I recommend formatting your email like "gallagherwitt at gmail dot com", as I've done with the narrators' emails above, but this isn't required).
- If you're already commenting on the interview, that's fine - just include your preferred title and email address, and you're good to go.
- Entries close at midnight Eastern Time on March 18th, and three winners will be randomly selected on March 19th.
- Prizes will be issued via Audible download codes. I do have codes that are valid in the UK, so just make sure you let me know you need one.
I really liked your questions, Lori. I’ve read/heard interviews with most of them before but I got some new info from this one so thanks!
ReplyDelete“Static” and “Chief’s Mess”
fidele1922 AT hotmail DOT com
Okay, I'm in. I am going to eventually need a second mortgage to keep up with your audio releases (this is not a criticism... don't let these men out of the basement until their work is done. What is a second mortgage compared to good audio books?) I need The Master Will Appear (I loved this book and I'm sure Michael's Russian accent will be better than the one in my head when I read it) and If The Seas Catch Fire.... because. Well, it's If The Seas Catch Fire. Duh. Who doesn't need that in their lives?
ReplyDeleteMy email is Jojothegreat on the gmail.
I always wondered how they get into the scene. And if the story gets to them so much they have to stop and calm down before going back to it? More importantly, if the story is so painful, how do they even read it? I am glad I found this interview, I’ve been getting more audio books, but they are a bit pricier than e books.
ReplyDelete“Static” and “chip in his shoulder”
Amra DOT miokovic AT yahoo DOT com
This was quite an interssting interview. I've been lucky to meet Greg in Berlin 2 years ago and his voice acting is great. Also he is the narrator of the book I'm listening to this week. I have loved Michael's work in the Bad Behaviour series and The Master will appear. I'm less familiar with Nick (quite a shame) and wish to correct that.
ReplyDeleteI will be interested in "It was always you" and "Out of focus".
This was quite an interssting interview. I've been lucky to meet Greg in Berlin 2 years ago and his voice acting is great. Also he is the narrator of the book I'm listening to this week. I have loved Michael's work in the Bad Behaviour series and The Master will appear. I'm less familiar with Nick (quite a shame) and wish to correct that.
ReplyDeleteI will be interested in "It was always you" and "Out of focus".
Sorry, 1st comment went without the email :-(. Please delete it.
Ive been lucky enough to work with Nick and consider Greg a friend. Fascinating read. Ive listened to all three narrators on your books and know they make a good book even better! (Pls don't include me in the giveaway)
ReplyDeleteThat was a fantastic and informative interview, with bonus Monty Python references! Yay! I wish I could set up my husband with Nick for a playdate. LOL. He loves movies and games.
ReplyDeleteI've met Nick and Greg a couple of times, and hope to meet Michael someday too! I'm a huge fan of all of them!
I'm SUPER excited about them working together on your upcoming books, so my requests if I won would be The Husband Gambit and Rebound. If it needs to be ones currently available, I'd go with Running With Scissors and Static.
maria dot whitehead at gmail dot com
I have mixed feelings when people ask me "What are you listening to?" Because when I tell them they either look at me funny or they tease me about reading porn. It gets annoying and since im never without my earphones I get asked alot (seriously I have 2 pairs plus the back up pair..inside my house,I have and extra pair in the car).
ReplyDeleteIt's always a pleasure when you get to see what the narrator looks like because for some reason Im always trying to match voices and made up people in my head
Veny515 at yahoo dot com
I love your books and own quite a few. I would love to win Risky Behavior and Just Drive. rdrukh at hotmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI love hearing about their individual processes. Thank you for this. I've chosen a couple of oldie but goodies - two of my favorites.
ReplyDelete"The Closer You Get"
"Rules of Engagement"
janie DOT friedman46 At gmail
Great interview. I love listening to all three of these guys. I would love Risky Behavior and To My Future Number 1 Fan.
ReplyDeletesabrinasmadrina at gmail dot com
Fantastic interview!!! Thank you so much!! Btw, Nick as a stoned vampire? One of my favorite book scenes ever! I was dying.
ReplyDeleteStatic and Not Safe For Work. Pam.enamel at gmail dot com
Thank you!
ReplyDeleteFinding Master Right and A Chip in his Shoulder
susandenise dot haines at gmail dot com
I loved this interview because I adore all three narrators. And I wholeheartedly agree with you that Nick NAILED the stoned vampire voice. LOL!
ReplyDeleteI'm excited for the upcoming release of Rebound because you got a two-fer there with Nick AND Michael. And as Greg is my all-time favorite narrator, I cannot wait for the release of The Husband Gambit. They'll make it to my library eventually, but if I can win them, why would I say no to that?
wycedreader (at) gmail dot com
This was a fun interview - Thanks for sharing ��
ReplyDelete• The Distance Between Us; and
• Static
(Thanks for the chance!)
suec dot books at gmail dot com
Thank you for the interview. ♡
ReplyDeleteI enjoy to get an inside view to such great narrators.
I would love to win a chance to listen to:
Tooth and Claw book 1&2.
- The Given & the Taken
- The Healing and the Dying
saiyaku at gmx dot net
Audiobooks get me through life as I use them to block out the real world so I can function with my anxiety so these guys are superheroes to me. I also have no idea how they do it as whenever I go to read a book aloud I get about four words in and start yawning!!!
ReplyDeleteAlso, if Michael (or the others) want to practice their Welsh accent I have a basement, sorry, spare room in the Welsh Marches :-)
I'm tuckerpuss at AOL dot com
Static and Running with scissors
The interview questions and answers were really great! I am a HUGE fan of Michael Ferraiuolo's voice work (I even taught myself to spell his name so I don't have to look it up any more. LOL)
ReplyDeleteStatic and Running With Scissors are my choices.
buttonsmom2003 (at) gmail (dot) com
What a great interview! Loved both the questions and the answers, these are three of my favorite narrators - and of course one of my favorite authors.
ReplyDeleteI would love to listen to Hostile Ground and The Master Will Appear, and I need UK codes, please.
asynia at gmail dot com
Great interview! Thanks for the chance
ReplyDeleteI'd love to hear
-To My Future Number 1 Fan
-Running with Scissors
Nick3lr3y at Yahoo do com
Fantastic interview !!!
ReplyDeleteHostile Ground or Running With Scissors
Silverwolfe2003 at aol dot com
This was absolutely perfect. Thanks for the opportunity. I'd love Running with Scissors or Not Safe for Work.
ReplyDeletekirstin78 at gmail dot com
This interview was really great to read! Very informative and fun!
ReplyDeleteI’d like a chance for JUST DRIVE and AFRAID TO FLY!
lckarge92 [at] gmail [dot] com
I'm notorious for religiously stalking authors and narrators and yes, I've already befriended NJR and Greg on Facebook. Michael lucked out because I haven't been able to find him on FB. That being said, I love learning about the quirks and hobbies of my favorite narrators and they all are my favorite so thank you for this very lovely interview.
ReplyDeleteI would love to receive Just Drive and Risky Behavior.
shinshin [dot] olive [at] yahoo [dot] com
This was a great way to learn more about three of my favorite narrators!
ReplyDeleteHostile Ground and Static
hannel418 at Gmail dot com
I'm a new fan of audio books, but you pulled together some of my favorite narrators here! I would love to start the Anchor Point series with Just Drive and Afraid to Fly. Kerinam72 at Gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI'm a huge fan of these three narrators and it was amazing to learn more about them and their process. Thanks for such a fantastic interview, Lor! I'd love The Husband's Gambit and Conduct Unbecoming. Thanks for the chance! anamaribelcardenas at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteThanks for a great interview with three of my favourite narrators.
ReplyDelete'If the Seas catch fire' is the only audiobooks of yours I don't have, so thanks for the chance to win it. If the draw is only for Audible US, then please ignore. ��
hanne.lie63 (at) gmail (dot) com
I loved these interviews and what most surprised me was the talk about accents and also continuation of secondary or minor characters. When reading it's all in my head, never thought about actual verbalization.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to choose but I'd love Something New Under the Sun and A Chip in His Shoulder. Or any others since I have almost all your ebooks and love every one of them.
andreams2013 at
I love hearing what goes into "books on tape". It's interesting, each has a different take or answer, but cool to read
ReplyDeleteLoved the interview, very fun & informative! I'm just getting into audiobooks so my choices would be
ReplyDelete-Blood from a Stoner
-And one of your choice since I
don't have any of your books on
My email is seritzko AT ptd DOT net
Thanks, Lori, and 3 very interesting narrators! ❤
The contest is now closed, and winners have been contacted. Thank you to everyone who visited, and to the narrators for taking the time to answer my questions!
ReplyDeleteL.A. Witt